About Corinne Coe

Welcome to my blog, Is It Me, or Is It You?


Whether you stumbled on my site by accident, or it has been recommended to you, it’s most likely that this happened because you are searching for some answers to a concern or problem. If you are tired of reading information on the net that only confirms what you already know or gives you a broad answer with little guidance and direction to ‘resolve your problem’, then you’ve come to the right place. If you haven’t noticed, my posts are practical, logical and to-the-point advice. I find it incredibly frustrating when people write about ‘where you are at’ and ‘where you want to be’ and not about ‘how to get there’.  I want to give you the practical and logical information and answers that you need directly without waffling on.

A little about me, I’ve worked as a private practising Psychologist for over 20 years. I’ve treated many people suffering from mental illness and helped many couples and families work through issues. I love psychology, and I love helping people. I’ve wanted to be a psychologist since I was 12; it’s hard to believe I knew what career I wanted to do at such a young age. I remember my Grade 8 teacher asking us to stand up and tell the whole class, “What job we wanted to do when we left school?”. Of course, most of my classmates didn’t know, a few gave an amusing answer, and then there was me…” I’m going to be a psychologist and help everyone!”. And that’s what I did. I love my job, and the only frustrating thing about it is that I am limited in how many people I can help – that’s what inspired me to write my books, “Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Life”, and “From Passive to Assertive”, and this blog! – to spread my help to as many people as possible. I have also created a video called “Heal Your Anxiety”.

I decided to start my blog, ‘Is It Me or Is It You’ because I have acquired a lot of knowledge on people, life, relationships, and mental health that I need to pass on. I hope my posts will give people the insight and answers they need to improve their lives, health, and relationships—and be happy!

So, I hope that you enjoy my posts. Please share your feedback because constructive criticism is always a valuable tool, and I love interacting with my audience.


Corinne Coe

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